Official opening of the three important infrastructure projects
Date 24.12.2019. The Municipality of Jezero was visited by a delegation of the Government of the Republika Srpska led by the Prime Minister, Mr. Radovan Višković, as well as a delegation of the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Bosnia and Herzegovina with the Ambassador, Mr. Aleksandar Đorđević. The reason for this visit was the completion of works on three important infrastructure projects worth one million and one hundred thousand convertible marks.
In addition to the mentioned guests, the event was attended by the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, Mr. Boris Pasalic, Consul of the Republic of Serbia, Mr. Vladimir Nikolic, Mayor of Mrkonjic Grad, Ms. Divna Anicic, Mayor of Shipovo, Mr. Milan Kovac and other representatives of economic and cultural life of Republika Srpska.
A new bridge on the river Pliva called the Railway Bridge was ceremoniously opened. The value of this investment is 620,000.00 KM, and the sources of financing are the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management - Unit for Coordination of Agricultural Projects, the Government of the Republic of Srpska and the Municipality of Jezero.

Another important project that was officially opened on this occasion is the "Serbia" Gym. The value of the investment is around 440,000.00 KM, and the sources of financing are the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Municipality of Jezero.

Osmočlanoj porodici Grabež uručeni su ključevi od nove kuće. Stambeni objekat u vrijednosti od preko 50.000,00 KM izgrađen je pomoću sredstava Ministarstva za izbjeglice i raseljena lica, opštine Jezero i drugih donatora koji su različitim donacijama doprinijeli izgradnji, uređenju i opremanju objekta. "Kažu da mostove grade blagosloveni ljudi i zahvaljujući Miloradu Dodiku koji je kao predsjednik Srpske obećao gradnju mosta, te predsjedniku Vlade Radovanu Viškoviću i predsjedniku Republike Srpske Željki Cvijanović imamo ovu divnu građevinu kojom ćemo se ponositi. Naša želja je da ovim mostom prolazi što više dječijih koraka," istakla je Načelnik opštine Jezero, gospođa Ružičić. Višković je rekao novinarima da su završena tri veoma značajna projekta koja ne bi da razdvaja po važnosti: "Ne bih nijedan izdvajao jer je teško ocijeniti da li je važnije izgraditi kuću jednoj porodici ili most. Pošto nismo htjeli da ostavimo dilemu onda smo gradili i fiskulturnu dvoranu - prvu u ovom mjestu." Show more 994 / 5000 Translation results The eight-member Grabež family was given the keys to a new house. The residential building in the value of over 50,000.00 KM was built with the funds of the Ministry for Refugees and Displaced Persons, the Municipality of Jezero and other donors who contributed various donations to the construction, arrangement and equipment of the building.