The Agreement was signed on cooperation on realization of the project restoration of part of the road and asphalting of the road Čerkazovići, Municipality Jezer


On February 27, 2019, in Sarajevo The Agreement was signed on cooperation on realization of the project restoration of part of the road and asphalting of the road Čerkazovići, Municipality Jezero. The Agreement was signed by the municipality of Jezero and the Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees of Bosnia and Herzegovina,  The Commission for Refugees and Displaced Persons and the Fund for Return of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the amount of 45.000,00 KM.

The project proposed by the municipality of Jezero this time was supported by minister Edin Ramić as a member of the Comission.

The Comission was held on December 27, 2019 and published in the Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina.