Visit of the director of the Tourist Organization of the Republic of Srpska to Jezero Municipality


On December 15, 2020, Jezero Municipality was visited by the Director of the Tourist Organization of the Republic of Srpska, Mrs. Nada Jovanović. The working meeting was held in the building of Jezero Municipality, starting at 11.

The topic of the meeting was related to the Public Call for co-financing of projects in the field of tourism in 2020 published by the Ministry of Trade and Tourism, where the Public Institution Tourist Organization of Republika Srpska applied with the project of improving tourist signals in the municipalities of Mrkonjić Grad, Jezero, Kneževo and Čelinac. Since it is planned to install tourist signs in the area of Jezero Municipality, an action plan was made at today's working meeting, and priority tourist locations were determined that need to be marked.